Sunday, December 14, 2008

Count Down Time

It is less then 1 month. Now is the time I start counting down the days. WOW. It has been 5 months since I said yes to God's call.
I think I am somewhat being protected from a daily thought of THE day we leave. There are lots of things going on in my life other then the mission between now and the day we leave. Christmas being a biggie. I also have a 5 day business trip the first week in January.
We all have our packing check list and it all looks very easy to accomplish. Clothes are not high on the list. We will be purchasing shalwar kamees once we get to Bangladesh and this is what we will be wearing the entire time we are there.
Bible, journal, passport, drivers license, insurance card cash, toiletries, jammies and unmentionables. There are other things but these are the most important. I will be using my highlighter as I begin to pack things.
I was reading down the list and noticed safety pins, for securing the shalwar kamee shawl in place.
I had a basket at my church for anyone who might like to donate school supplies or other toys for the children we will meet. We are very blessed with donations. Texas Roadhouse has also agreed to donate 700 or so crayons to carry with us for the children. All these donations are in addition to the 350 Hope Packs from Elim Christian Services. Follow the link if you feel lead to donate to this incredible mission.
I will be posting a calendar of expected events while we are traveling and in country.
Thank-you for your continued financial and prayerful support. The actual 18 days of travel and in country service is a short amount of time compared to the amount of time and prayer devoted to this mission so far.
I love you all!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Our next to last official meeting

Saturday was our next to last official meeting. We each got 2 boxes filled with "hope packs". Andrew and Cameron of FH, hand delivered them to us on Thursday. Each box is filled with 25 gallon size ziplock bags filled with school supplies to be delivered to the FH office in Bangladesh. Once in the hand of the FH office in Bangladesh they will be distributed to teachers in the FH run schools there. Each bag contains a tablet of paper, box of crayons, colored pencils, pencil sharpener, 12 inch ruler, 2 pens and pencils and an eraser.
These "Hope Packs" were assembled by a mission that partners with FH to distribute the packs they put together. You can find out more information about them by going to The packs are assembled by special needs adults. We are honored to be a part of this mission.
The children in Bangladesh have very little and when they can't pay for their school supplies they simply stop going to school. This is a common problem in this country.


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