Sunday, August 24, 2008

Little by Little

I have been working on my support letter little by little. I actually nabbed a sample letter off the internet. I really liked some of the things it has on it. It says I am not asking for money because I know God will provide that (of course through my supporters filling that need). I am going to work on tweeking it more tomorrow. My biggest need in my estimation is prayers. I know the value of prayer and I appreciate all the prayers that can be offered up on my/our teams behalf. Above all else this mission trip is to shine God's love and light in a place where there is little hope or light.
I have never been on a mission trip. Someone told me the biggest aha for her was how needy WE are. Not how needy they are. They don't know what they are without. It is the only life they know. We on the other hand go into their world and very quickly realize how much we need that is not available to us in their world.

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