Thursday, February 14, 2013

Strawberry Filled Chocolates

Another experiment gone RIGHT.
There is this really cool glyconutrient called Trehalose that is brain food. It is being used therapeutically for degenerative brain disease including Huntington's disease. I shared all the incredible information about trehalose here including a recipe for mocha frosting using trehalose.
OK, so I like saying trehalose. Have no idea if I am pronouncing it correctly. You figure out how you want to pronounce it.
Anyhow, I was looking through recipes on Pinterest and some of my favorite paleo blogs. I saw freeze dried strawberries used in a frosting glaze recipe and it got me thinking about trying it in other applications. This is how I used freeze dried strawberries.

Strawberry Filled Chocolate


  • 2 cups trehalose, granulated
  • 1/2 cup freeze dried strawberries
  • 1/3 cup coconut butter, softened
  • 1/4 to 1/2 cup coconut milk (enough for desired thickness or thinness)

Chocolate shell

  • 3/4 cup Enjoy Life semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 2 tsp coconut oil


  1. Put trehalose in the blender/VitaMix and turn on high for 30 seconds or until it almost doubles in volume. It is now powdered trehalose
  2. Dump it into your mixing bowl and put the freeze dried strawberries into the blender/VitaMix and hit the button to pulverize. 10 seconds or so should do it. Maybe a few seconds longer if you have a cheapo blender. 
  3. Dump the pulverized strawberries into your mixing bowl.
  4. Add coconut butter and 1/4 cup coconut milk and use a hand mixer to blend into the trehalose and strawberries. 
  5. Slowly add more coconut milk until you get the texture you desire. I made mine the texture firm frosting.
Chocolate shell
  1. Line mini-cupcake pan with mini-cupcake papers.
  2. Melt chocolate chips and coconut oil in a double boiler.
  3. Spoon enough chocolate into cupcake paper to cover bottom.
  4. Use a fork to bring the chocolate up the side of the paper.
  5. Set in freezer for 5 minutes to set chocolate.
  6. Remove from freezer when set and add 1/2 tsp of the strawberry filling to each cup flattening out using the bottom of an empty paper.
  7. Spoon more melted chocolate over the filling to cover.
  8. Put in freezer for 10 minutes to set.
  9. Store in refrigerator.
This makes 36 or so chocolates. Enough to share...or not.....
The strawberry filling tastes like fresh strawberries. Someone  asked me if I would be her personal chef. I laughed an evil laugh. Mwahahahaha. 
I hope you'll try trehalose. It's a great sugar alternative and feeds your brain too. 


Mindy said...

WOW those look sooooo yummy!! :)

Sherry said...

Those look fantastic Linda!

Colton said...

Great reading thhis


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